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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

IE Student M.Sc. Seminar: Optimizing the Size of Software Inspection Teams
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Alexander Raginsky
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Tuesday, 23.02.2010, 11:00
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Taub 701
Code inspection is considered to be an efficient method for detecting some kinds of faults in software code documents. Other kinds of faults are more efficiently detected by other methods such as testing. It has therefore been suggested first to inspect the code and thereafter test it. The number of inspectors employed in the inspection should be determined to enable detection of most of the faults that inspection detects efficiently. The faults detected by the inspection will corrected, such that the following testing will operate on code containing by and large only faults of kinds that testing detects more efficiently than inspection. The number of faults that have not been detected by an inspection may be estimated by the labor intensive faults injection method or by Capture recapture metods that seem to have accuracy problems. These estimators do, however, not meet the need to estimate the number of required inspectors ahead of the inspection. This number may be estimated by an estimator developed by Kantorowitz.

Past experiments suggested the usefulness of this estimator for inspection of user requirements documents. This research encompassed an experimental evaluation of the usefulness of th estimator for code inspections. These experiments employed college students, university students, beginner engineers and experienced engineers. These experiments suggest that the estimator is also useful for code inspections. Additional benefits of this estimator are estimates of metrics that quantifies the performance of the employed inspectors. The numerical values of these metrics may be employed for comparing the performance of different kinds of inspectors and in estimating the costs of future inspection with similar inspectors.