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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Prof. Azaria Paz's 80 Birthday Celebration
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Prof. Azaria PazOn November 17th the faculty celebrated the 80th birthday of Prof. Azaria Paz, one of the founders of the CS faculty, who played central role in the development of the faculty in its first 30 years.

The event included two scientific talks: A lecture by Prof. Richard Karp from UC Berkeley, a distinguished visiting professor of the faculty, titled "Theory of Computation as a Lens on the Sciences", and a lecture by Dr. Ronny Lempel from Yahoo! Research Israel and an academic grandchild of Azaria, titeld "Beyond 10 Blue Links: How Search Engines Help Users". It also included greetings from Azaria's students and co-authors, and a presentation surveying Azaria's first 80 years. and a presentation surveying Azaria's first 80 years.[Back to the news index]