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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Intel@Technion Lectures: High speed I/O ports for Client Compute devices
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Shahaf Kieselstein (Intel)
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Wednesday, 23.03.2016, 11:30
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Room 337-8 Taub Bld.
The high speed I/O market in client platforms is going through major changes in the last few years, with latest silicon process that enable high bit rate on the wire while using low power to drive those bits. Where are those trends leading ? what is the impact on the user ? In this lecture we will review the changes in the USB & Thunderbolt technologies over the last few years, and will look forward to estimate where we think the latest developments will land, and what new use cases will be possible as a result of it.

Short bio:
Shahaf Kieselstein, Vice President in the Client Computing Group and General Manager of the Client Connectivity Division at Intel Corporation. Responsible for Thunderbolt technology product lines and Go to Markets activities
Intel@Technion Lectures: High speed I/O ports for Client Compute devices