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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Theory Seminar: On the Size of Succinct Non-interactive Arguments in the Random Oracle Model
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Eylon Yogev (Bar-Ilan University)
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Wednesday, 11.05.2022, 12:30
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Taub 201
Are all SNARG constructions in the random oracle model inherently large? The answer to this question is still open, but I will survey recent work that makes significant progress towards a solution. In particular, we will see a new construction that achieves a smaller argument size. This is the first progress on the Micali construction since it was introduced over 25 years ago. Our construction relies on a strong soundness notion for PCPs and a weak binding notion for commitments. We hope that our work paves the way for understanding if a linear argument size is achievable in the ROM. The talk is based on joint work with Alessandro Chiesa.