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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Come be Part of the Faculty's CTF Group - Meeting on June 30th
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Sunday, 30.06.2024, 18:30
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Taub 9
Come be part of the Faculty's Capture The Flag - CTF group!! The faculty CTF group, Technipwn, holds bi-weekly meetings where we solve challenges, train for competitions and have fun The meetings are suitable for both beginners and experienced participants, and are held on Sundays at Taub 9. Organized and managed by students, and intended for all students (not only from computer science!), with and without CTF experience. The sessions include practical experience in solving challenges. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, June 30, where we will participate as a group at UIUCTF, everyone is invited! For questions and answers: Our WhatsApp group: waiting for you!!
Come be Part of the Faculty