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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Enhancing Distributed Systems with In-Network Computing
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Lior Zeno
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Wednesday, 04.09.2024, 11:30

The emerging paradigm of in-network computing leverages programmable network hardware, such as switches, to enhance the performance, reliability, and functionality of distributed systems. Traditionally, networks in distributed systems have been treated merely as conduits for data, with limited assumptions about their capabilities. However, by introducing higher-level abstractions that utilize the potential of programmable network devices, significant improvements in distributed applications can be achieved.
This presentation will cover three key systems: SwiSh, SwitchV2P, and SwitchBFT. SwiSh provides a distributed state management layer within programmable switches, delivering substantial gains in update throughput and latency. SwitchV2P optimizes virtual network performance through in-network caching for address translation, significantly reducing flow completion times and network overhead. Finally, SwitchBFT demonstrates how trusted network switches can enable Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus with the speed and efficiency of Crash Fault Tolerance protocols.
This work highlights the transformative potential of in-network computing in advancing distributed applications and data center infrastructure.
Lior Zeno is a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Mark Silberstein.