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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

From Configuration-Space Clearance to Feature-Space Margin: Sample Complexity in Learning-Based Collision Detection
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Sapir Tubul (M.Sc. Thesis Seminar)
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Wednesday, 09.10.2024, 10:30
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Advisor: Prof. O. Salzman

Motion planning is a central challenge in robotics, with learning-based approaches gaining significant attention in recent years. This thesis focuses on a specific aspect of these approaches: using machine-learning techniques, particularly Support Vector Machines (SVM), to evaluate whether robot configurations are collision-free, an operation termed "collision detection". Despite the growing popularity of these methods, there is a lack of theoretical guarantees supporting their efficiency and prediction accuracy. This is in stark contrast to the rich theoretical results of machine-learning methods in general and of SVMs in particular.

This work bridges this gap by analyzing the sample complexity of an SVM classifier for learning-based collision detection in motion planning. We provide a comprehensive theoretical framework that bounds the number of samples needed to achieve a specified accuracy at a given confidence level. This result is stated in terms relevant to robot motion-planning such as the system's clearance.

Building on these theoretical results, we propose a collision-detection algorithm that can provide statistical guarantees on the algorithm's error in classifying robot configurations as collision-free or not. We rigorously prove the correctness of our approach and demonstrate its practical implications through extensive experimental evaluations.

Our findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of learning-based collision detection and provide a foundation for developing more reliable and efficient motion planning algorithms. This work opens up new avenues for integrating machine learning techniques into robotics while maintaining provable performance guarantees.