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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Correcting Flows with Marginal Matching
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Meital Bojan (M.Sc. Thesis Seminar)
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Thursday, 07.11.2024, 15:30

Flow matching models, ODE-based generative models, generate samples by gradually morphing a simple source distribution into a target distribution. In practice, these models still fall short of perfectly replicating the target distribution, mainly due to imperfections of the learned mapping. Previous work mainly focus on alleviating discretization error, which rises from sampling a continuous trajectory with a finite number of steps. In this work we focus on prediction error, an error that is inherent in the model. Our main contribution is identifying a trajectory that complies with the imperfect flow model and leads exactly to the target distribution. Based on this finding, we propose Marginal Matching---a simple inference-time correction scheme to steer the generated samples in the direction of the data. This scheme proves to reduce a bound on the distance between the data and the learned distribution, motivating two different implementations for the correction function. We show that our proposed method improves sample quality on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-64,  with minimal overhead in computation time, or non at all when applying approximated correction.