The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Roy Schwartz (CS, Technion)
Wednesday, 06.04.2011, 12:30
Taub 401 (Note unusual room)
We study graph partitioning problems from a min-max perspective,
in which an input graph on $n$ vertices should be partitioned into $k$ parts,
and the objective is to minimize the maximum number of edges leaving a single
part. The two main versions we consider are where the $k$ parts need to be
of equal-size, and where they must separate a set of $k$ given terminals.
We consider a common generalization of these two problems, and design for it
an $O(\sqrt{\log n}\log^{3/2} k)$-approximation algorithm. This improves over
an $O(\log^2 n)$ approximation for the version of separating $k$ given
terminals due to Svitkina and Tardos \cite{ST04}, and roughly $O(k\log n)$ approximation
for the version where the parts need to be of equal size that follows from
other previous work.
The main tool we use is a new approximation algorithm for
\emph{$\rho$-unbalanced-cut}, the problem of finding in an input graph
$G=(V,E)$ a set $S\subseteq V$ of size $|S|=\rho n$ that minimizes the number
of edges leaving $S$. We provide a bicriteria approximation of
$O(\sqrt{\log{n}\log{(1/\rho)}})$ for this problem. Note that the special case
$\rho = 1/2$ is just the \emph{minimum bisection} problem, and indeed our bound
generalizes that of Arora, Rao and Vazirani \cite{ARV08} which only applies to
the case where $\rho = \Omega(1)$. Our algorithm also works for the closely
related \emph{small-set-expansion} problem, which asks for a set $S\subseteq V$
of size $|S| \leq \rho n$ with minimum conductance (edge-expansion), and was
suggested recently by Raghavendra and Steurer~\cite{RS10}. In fact, our
algorithm handles more general, weighted, versions of both problems.
Previously, an $O(\log n)$ true approximation for both $\rho$-unbalanced-cut
and small-set-expansion was known following from R\"acke~\cite{Racke08}.
Joint work with: Nikhil Bansal, Robi Krauthgamer, Konstantin Makarychev,
Viswanath Nagarajan and Seffi Naor.