The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Chen Avin (Ben Gurion University)
Wednesday, 09.05.2012, 11:30
We study self-optimizing networks and data structures. The goal of this research line is the design of fully distributed algorithms which flexibly adapt the network to a dynamic environment such as changing demands or traffic patterns. The idea of self-adjusting networks is motivated by trends in today's Internet like large data centers and peer-to-peer networks.
In this talk I will preset the general model of the problem and some initial theoretical results on data centers placement and splay networks and the connection to well known concepts such as minimum linear arrangement, splay trees and Entropy.
Joint work with: Michael Borokhovich (BGU), Bernhard Haeupler (MIT), Zvi Lotker (BGU), Christian Scheideler (U. Paderborn) and Stefan Schmid (T-Labs).