The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Thierry Fraichard (INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes)
Monday, 29.04.2013, 14:30
Autonomous navigation technologies have matured and improved to the
point that, in the past few years, self-driving cars have been able
to safely drive an impressive number of kilometers. It should be
noted though that, in all cases, the driver seat was never empty: a
human driver was behind the wheel, ready to take over whenever the
situation dictated it. This is an interesting paradox since the
point of a self-driving car is to remove the most unreliable part of
the car, namely the human driver. So, the question naturally
arises: will the driver seat ever be empty? Besides legal liability
issues, the answer to that question may lie in our ability to
improve the autonomous navigation technologies to the point that the
human can safely be removed from the loop altogether. However,
things are not that simple... The primary purpose of this seminar
is to raise awareness in the audience of the strong impact that the
presence of moving objects in the environment of a robotic system
has on its decision-making process when it comes to autonomous
navigation. The difficulties that a robotic system has to solve as
soon as it tries to navigate in a dynamic environments will be
explored. The concept of Inevitable Collisions States (i.e. states
for which no matter what the system does next, a collision
eventually occurs) will be used to expose all the constraints that
arise in a dynamic environment. It will be shown that even when
complete information is available (i.e. full knowledge of the
environment and its future evolution), safe navigation can sometimes
be impossible to guarantee. In real situations where such a
complete information is simply not available, things get worse. The
seminar will also explore how the models used to represent the
environment and its future evolution (e.g. conservative vs.
probabilistic) can affect the safety of the navigational decisions
that are made. Possible solutions to the safe navigation problem
will be presented.
Speaker Biography:
Thierry Fraichard is an INRIA Chargé de Recherche (Research
Scientist) in the INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes Research Center. He
received his PhD in Computer Science from the Institut National
Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) in April 1992 for his dissertation
on "Motion Planning for a Nonholonomic Mobile in a Dynamic
Workspace". In March 2006, INPG awarded him the Habilitation à
Diriger des Recherches (Accreditation to Supervise Research) for his
work entitled "Contributions to Motion Planning". Thierry
Fraichard's research focuses on motion autonomy for mobile robots
and vehicles with a special emphasis on motion safety, motion
planning (for nonholonomic systems, in dynamic workspaces, and in
the presence of uncertainty), prediction of the future motion of
moving objects, navigation amidst human beings, and the design of
control architectures for autonomous vehicles.