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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

2015 Yahoo! Labs Israel Technion Grad Student Event
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Sunday, 29.03.2015, 14:30
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CS Taub Build. Auditorium 2
You are kindly invited to the 2015 Yahoo! Labs Israel Technion Grad Student Event on Sunday March 29, 2015, Taub Building, Technion Campus as follows:

14:30-15:00 at CS Taub, Auditorium 2
Welcome by Prof. Irad Yavneh, CS Dean
Welcome by Dr. Yoelle Maarek, VP Research, Yahoo! Labs: “Why do you need a graduate degree in leading Web companies”

15:00-15:30 at CS Taub, Auditorium 2
Research Talk by Prof. Eugene Agichtein: “Answering the Searcher's Questions: Research on Social Content Organization, Retrieval, and Presentation”
Prof. Eugene Agichtein, is a Principal Research Scientist at Yahoo! Labs, on leave from Emory University, where he serves as an Associate Professor.

15:30-16:30: CS Taub, Room 337 (snacks and refreshments will be served)
Round tables with Yahoo! Labs Research Scientists and Research Engineers about:

  • Ad Ranking Research
  • Answering Research
  • Mail Search and Mining Research
  • Scalable Search Systems Research
  • Career Mentoring
  • Summer Internship Opportunities at Yahoo! Labs

Please RSVP before March 25, 2015

The first 30 registered attendees will get a gift during the round table sessions.
2015 Yahoo! Labs Israel Technion Grad Student Event