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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

ceClub: Pricing Complexity
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Noam Nisan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
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Wednesday, 13.04.2016, 11:30
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EE Meyer Building 861
As economic systems "move" to the Internet, they can become much more complex and this new complexity often becomes their defining characteristic. We will consider a very simple scenario of this form: a single seller that is selling multiple items to a single buyer. We will discuss the question of how *complex* must the pricing scheme be in order for the seller to maximize (approximately, at least) his revenue.

Based on joint works with Sergiu Hart, with Shaddin Duhgmi and Li Han and with Moshe Babioff and Yannai Gonczarowski.

Noam Nisan is a professor of Computer Science and a member of the center of Rationality at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research deals with the border of Computer Science, Economic Theory, and Game Theory, focusing on Electronic Markets and Auctions.