The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Sunday, 25.11.2007, 10:30
We give an explicit construction of pseudorandom
generators against low degree polynomials over finite fields. We
show that the sum of 2^d small-biased generators with error
epsilon^{2^{O(d)} is a pseudorandom generator against degree d
polynomials with error epsilon. This gives a generator with seed
length 2^O(d)*.log{(n/epsilon)}. Our construction follows the
recent breakthrough result of Bogadnov and Viola \cite{BV}. Their
work shows that the sum of $d$ small-biased generators is a
pseudo-random generator against degree $d$ polynomials, assuming the
Inverse Gowers Conjecture. However, this conjecture is only proven
for $d=2,3$. The main advantage of our work is that it
does not rely on any unproven conjectures.