The 2016 open day invites outstanding undergraduates
from all universities to come to the Technion and learn about the faculties of
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, to meet faculty and graduate
students and to hear a fascinating talk by
Prof. Lior Kornblum:
"How to Connect Exotic Physics with Future Devices" and by Oded Cohen, VP in IBM
Haifa: "Do Advanced Degrees Indeed Advance?"
The event will be held on Wednesday, April 26 2017,
between 10:30-16:00, in EE Meyer Bulding, Room 815 (8th floor). and
in CS Taub Building, room 337 (3rd floor)
The program will include review on curriculum and admission requirements in each
of the faculties, as well as scientific lectures. In addition, personal meeting
between candidates and vice deans of both faculties will be optional.
It is recommended that you bring along your first degree grades chart.
Attendance at the open day requires
More details and program.