The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Tuesday, 09.01.2018, 14:30
Increasingly adopted Web-based knowledge sources, such as knowledge
graphs and crowdsourcing platforms, pose a great challenge in making
them accessible to non-expert end-users. In particular, being
unaware of the properties, structure and contents of available
knowledge sources, end-users may not know which sources to use and
in what manner. In this talk I will present several directions
towards bridging this gap. First, we assist users in identifying
adequate knowledge sources, via a declarative framework that
supports "soft" constraints reflecting, e.g., the relevance of the
knowledge source to a given topic or query and diversification
considerations. We accompany the proposed sources with intuitive
explanations, which enable the user to provide further feedback and
refine the source selection. Next, we adopt an exploratory approach
allowing the user to discover relevant contents within knowledge
sources, based on information-theoretic principles and via an
interactive process.
Short Bio:
Yael Amsterdamer is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer
Science, Bar-Ilan University. Her research interests include the
management of data obtained via Web-based platforms, such as
crowdsourced data, online knowledge bases and social networks.
Previously, Yael has been a visiting scholar of the Computer and
Information Science Department at UPenn (Philadelphia, PA), and at
the INRIA institute (Paris, France). She received her PhD from Tel
Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. Tova Milo. In 2016
Yael received the Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Researchers.
During her PhD, she won, among others, the Wolf Foundation
Scholarship and the Dan David Prize for outstanding PhD students.