The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Tuesday, 16.01.2018, 14:30
Recommender systems are first and foremost about matching users with
items the systems believe will delight them. The "main street"
of personalization is thus about modeling users and items, and
matching per user the items predicted to best satisfy the user. This
holds for both collaborative filtering and content-based methods. In
content discovery engines, difficulties arise from the fact that the
content users natively consume on publisher sites does not
necessarily match the sponsored content that drives the monetization
and sustains those engines. The first part of this talk addresses
this gap by sharing lessons learned and by discussing how the gap
may be bridged at scale with proper techniques.
The second part of the talk focuses on personalization of audiences
on behalf of content marketing campaigns. From the marketers'
side, optimizing audiences was traditionally done by refining
targeting criteria, basically limiting the set of users to be
exposed to their campaigns. Marketers then began sharing conversion
data with systems, and the systems began optimizing campaign
conversions by serving the campaign to users likely to transact with
the marketer. Today, a hybrid approach of lookalike modeling
combines marketers' targeting criteria with recommendation
systems' models to personalize audiences for campaigns, with
marketer ROI as the target.
This talk was given as a keynote in ACM RecSys 2017.
Short bio:
Ronny Lempel joined Outbrain in May 2014 as VP of Outbrain's Recommendations
Group, where he oversees the computation, delivery and auction mechanisms of the
company's recommendations. Prior to joining Outbrain, Ronny spent 6.5 years as a
Senior Director at Yahoo Labs. Ronny joined Yahoo in October 2007 to open and
establish its Research Lab in Haifa, Israel. During his tenure at Yahoo, Ronny
led R&D activities in diverse areas, including Web Search, Web Page Optimization,
Recommender Systems and Ad Targeting. In January 2013 Ronny was appointed Yahoo Labs'
Chief Data Scientist in addition to his managerial duties.
Prior to joining Yahoo, Ronny spent 4.5 years at IBM Research, where his duties
included research and development in the area of enterprise search systems.
During his tenure at IBM, Ronny managed the Information Retrieval Group at IBM's
Haifa Research Lab for two years.
Ronny received his PhD, which focused on search engine technology, from the Faculty
of Computer Science at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in early 2003. Ronny
has authored over 40 research papers in leading conferences and journals, and holds
18 granted US patents. He regularly serves on program and organization committees of
Web-focused conferences, and has taught advanced courses on Search Engine Technologies
and Big Data Technologies at Technion.
Refreshments will be served from 14:15
Lecture starts at 14:30