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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

COLLOQUIUM LECTURE - Learning-Driven Network Protocols
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Michael Schapira
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Tuesday, 06.11.2018, 14:30
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Room 337 Taub Bld.
Machine learning (ML) has deeply impacted many areas of computer science, including computer vision, natural language processing, computational biology, and beyond. Yet, computer networking has largely withstood the ML tide until recently. Recent advances suggest that this might be changing. We ask whether/when traditional network protocol design, which traditionally relies on the application of algorithmic insights by human experts, can be replaced by a data-driven, ML-guided approach. We will investigate this question in the context of the fundamental challenge of congestion control on the Internet. Short bio: ========== Michael Schapirs is an associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also the scientific co-leader of the Fraunhofer Cybersecurity Center at Hebrew University, and a member of the Center for the Study of Rationality and of the Israeli Center of Research Excellence in Algorithms. Prior to joining the Hebrew University he was a visiting scientist at Google NYC (2011/12), where he worked with the Infrastructure Networking group. He was also a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and Yale University (jointly), with Prof. Joan Feigenbaum and Prof. Scott Shenker (2008-2010), and at Princeton University, with Prof. Jennifer Rexford (2010/11). Prof. Schapira is a recipient of the Allon Fellowship (2011), the Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2013), the Hebrew University President's Prize (2014), the Wolf Foundation's Krill Prize (2015), an ERC Starting Grant (2015), 2 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prizes (2014+2017), and a Google Faculty Research Award (2017). Schapira holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, a B.A. in Humanities, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, all from the Hebrew University (received in 2004, 2004, and 2008, respectively). His Ph.D. dissertation, titled ''The Economics of Internet Protocols'', was written under the supervision of Prof. Noam Nisan. During his graduate studies, he spent time at UC Berkeley and Yale University as a visiting student, interned at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, and worked at BrightSource Industries Israel (BSII). ========================= Refreshments will be served from 14:15 Lecture starts at 14:30