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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks

Pixel Club: On The Resistance of Neural Networks to Label Noise
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Amnon Drory (Tel-Aviv University)
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Tuesday, 22.01.2019, 11:30
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Room 337 Taub Bld.
Neural Networks have been shown to be remarkably resistant to label noise. This means that you can train a network using a data set that contains a significant fraction of wrongly-labelled samples, and the network will still be able to accurately predict the label for a previously unseen sample. Our results show that a main factor in explaining this resistance is that networks learn from a local group of training samples, similarly to a K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. We are able to provide a mathematical expression for the expected accuracy of a network given the noise level, for a general family of noise types. We also show that the extent of the resistance depends strongly on how localized the noise is.

Shared work with: Oria Ratzon, Prof. Shai Avidan and Dr. Raja Giryes at Tel-Aviv University, school of Electrical Engineering.