The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Georg Radow (Brandenburg University of Technology)
Sunday, 26.05.2019, 14:30
The aim of photometric stereo is to estimate shape and appearance of a
three-dimensional object from multiple input images taken from the
same point of view but under different lighting conditions. The most
common techniques are conceptually close to the classic photometric
stereo problem, meaning that the modelling encompasses a linearisation
step and that the shape information is computed in terms of surface
normals. Instead of linearising we aim to stick to the original
formulation of the photometric stereo problem, and we propose to
minimise a much more natural objective function, namely the
reprojection error in terms of depth. Minimising the resulting
non-trivial variational model for photometric stereo allows to recover
the depth of the photographed scene directly. At hand of an
experimental evaluation we discuss important properties of the method.