The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Sunday, 16.06.2019, 14:30
The new and highly effective techniques frequently associated with Artificial Intelligence, including machine learning, pattern recognition, natural language processing, robotics, image analysis, and nonlinear optimization will have profound effects on the ways research is done and the sorts of projects that are feasible. There is a broad spectrum of approaches with differing risks and experience, ranging from
• using machine learning as effective tools for extracting patterns from text, sounds, and image data
• using NLP to extract information from the scientific literature to predict future research trends or to identify promising interactions and topics
• driving entire automated experimental programs with learning algorithms driving iterations toward complex goals
• designing equipment and protocols to optimize scientific knowledge acquisition
• doing simulations to drive learning models which approximate a theory, which in turn are used to improve simulations and plan observations
The talk will cover these approaches and conclude with the question of what can individuals do to jumpstart their own research.
Short Bio:
Feldman is Chief Scientist of Schmidt Futures where he is responsible for the Scientific Knowledge programs, including creating fellowship programs, supporting innovative research projects, and executing larger research programs to support talented scientists who address major questions, build new platforms, and change the way research is done. Stuart Feldman did his academic work in astrophysics and mathematics and earned his AB at Princeton and his PhD at MIT. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Mathematics by the University of Waterloo and an Honorary Doctorate by the Technion. He is former President of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and former member of the board of directors of the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Feldman is best known for writing "Make" and other essential tools. He received the 2003 ACM Software System Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, ACM, and AAAS. He is Board Chair of the Center for the Minorities and Disabled in IT, serves on a number of university advisory boards and National Academy panels, and has served on a wide variety of government advisory committees.