The Taub Faculty of Computer Science Events and Talks
Eli Biham (Computer Science, Technion)
Wednesday, 11.06.2008, 16:30
Abstarct:In this talk we describe the ciphers and protocols used for
the GSM cellular phone network, and discuss the (in)security of the
system. We describe several techniques to attack the ciphers A5/2 and
A5/1, and how they can be applied as a ciphertext-only attack. We also
show that active attacks on the protocols can recover keys of ciphers that
are not used during that transmission. As a result, it is possible to
listen in to GSM phone conversations, steal calls during the conversation,
and even issue new calls on behalf of (and paid by) an attacked phone.
This is a joint work with Elad Barkan and Nathan Keller
The talk will be in Hebrew.