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General Information

How to update information on site

For help, ideas for improvements to our web site and bug reports You may send an email.

How to update information

The following describes the actions needed to update each of the site's sections:

Personal Information

To change personal information such as name, office, phone, email, office hours and advisor, contact Sigal Zemach

Personal Website

The faculty enables and encourages CS users to set up a personal website where they will display a list of publications, information about their research, and more.

The site can be set up within the network of WordPress sites that the faculty offers.

In order to set it up, you must submit a request in the faculty Helpdesk, indicate your full name, faculty username and email address (to which you will be notified of the site opening and how to access the site).

More details can be found on the instructions page.

Personal Picture (Faculty Members)

Send your picture file to Sigal Zemach. Please send image with the following size: 175 x 250 px

Personal Research Areas / Interests

To be added/removed from a research area group, or to change your personal research interests, contact Sigal Zemach.

News on Main Page

If you have some exciting news you wish to publish on the main page, prepare the following:

  • A one line title
  • Full text of the news item
  • [optional] News picture
  • [optional] Additional photos (to be presented as a photo gallery)
  • [optional] Documents to attach to the item

and send to Moran Rakovitzky.


To publish an announcement, send a one line title and text, to Moran Rakovitzky.

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Seminars

To have your seminar published in the announcements section of the site and sent to the mailing list:

  1. Download and edit this template. Keep special attention to the time and place format (leave them in the exact format as in the template). Also note that all fields except 'Abstract' must be on a single line. Edit with simple editor: vi,Emacs,Notepad, not MS-Word, for example;
  2. Send the file (after you proofread it) to Anna Kleiner.

Note: an email announcing your seminar will automatically be sent to the CS-GRAD-SEMINARS-L list 72 hours before the event, and you will be CCed.

For PH.D. seminars, an announcing email will also be sent 14 days before the event.
The announcement will appear in the faculty home page events within up to 1 hour. Please make sure it does.

For more information please consult seminar presentation.

You can contact Anna Kleiner for more help.