The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The winners of the 201
8 CS Dean Excellence Award and Amdocs Best Project winners were awarded in
a ceremony held in the faculty on Monday, July
2nd, 201
The event hosted family members and guests of
198 excellent students. Dean Prof. Dan Geiger and Vice Dean
for Undergraduate Studies Prof. Shaul Markovitch awarded the students and the
latter also
joined with a musical
piece on acoustic guitar the Blues artist
Ayal Mittelman who played on electric guitar. and
The American Technion Society (ATS) bestowed the 201
8 Ernest Freudman
Fellowship upon B
ahjat K
awar. The fellowship is given
to a student who's achievements stand out in the first
off his studies.
Guest lecturer
Dr. Naama Geva-Zatorsky from the Technion
Integrated Cancer Center gave a fascinating talk on: "The intestinal bacteria - our best friends".
The Amdocs Best Project Contest awards were given by Amdocs representative
Daphne Gottschalk to:
- Dor Ma'ayan, Raviv Rachmiel, Ori Roth and Niv Shalmon, supervised by Prof.
Yossi Gil
and Dr. Adi Omari, and
the Systems and Software Development Laboratory (SSDL)
In-Painting" - Adar Elad and Yaniv Kerzhner, supervised by
Yaniv Romano
and the Geometric Image Processing Laboratory (GIP)
- Amir Kotzer and Itamar Raviv, supervised by Prof.
Eli Biham and
Recognition by Smartphone Activitiy" - Lior Cohen and Gilad Ezov, supervised
by Prof.
Shaul Markovitch
and Amir Cohen.
A special diploma for Academic Excelling in
2017-18 was granted by CS to Dan Aharonson,
Omer Alkabetz, Tal Alon, Antonio Abu Nassar, Or Goz, Barak Gur, Gilad Levy,
Oren Milman, Adir Yarden.
Congratulations and best wishes to all our excellent students.
Pictures from the event.
Pictures from diploma
granting ceremony. [Back to the news index]