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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Amdocs Best Project Contest
Friday, November 9, 2018
The CS Department in collaboration with Amdocs invites you to take part in the 2018-19 Outstanding Projects competition.

The goal of the competition is to recognize and reward outstanding projects as part of Computer Science Graduate Training. A project will be considered outstanding if it is innovative (technical concept, mathematical development, or a new application); if it is properly realized; if it achieves its goals in a satisfactory manner; and if its report is well-written and sufficiently reflects its achievements. Projects completed in the 3 semesters prior to this date are eligible for the competition

Projects will be submitted to the in ZIP file including documentation and submission of the project, according to the requirement of the lab where it was done. An email to Prof. Roy Friedman (roy at shoul be sent with details of the submitting students and the lab, and a link to the file in DROPBOX. In addition, a support letter from the lab engineer or faculty member in charge of the project should be sent in a separate email to Prof. Friedman.

Last date for submission is Monday, December 17, 2018.

After initial screening, project submitters will be required to present the project using a poster and demo, or a video (optional) at a designated project fair. The judging committee of the prize will judge the projects presented at the fair and decide to award at least four prizes, including a certificate attesting to the winning and a monetary prize -Amdocs contribution. Priority will be given to projects made by undergraduate students.

Good luck to all the participants. [Back to the news index]