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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Make it Work Workshop: Basic Introduction to Malware Analysis
Thursday, January 3, 2019
We are happy to invite you to a fourth in a series of meetings on career and job search: Basic Introduction to Malware Analysis:

The purpose of the workshop is to provide students with basic tools to analyze the malicious behavior of software on their computer without touching static assembly stuff. With a few basic examples and concepts, students will be able to get the first tools for dynamic analysis of software in a Windows 10 environment.

The workshop will take place on 3 occasions, in room 337, between 17:30-19:30 on Monday, January 14, Tuesday, January 15 and on Wednesday, January 23, 2019.

The speaker on the event will be Ben Hunter, malware researcher in enSilo.

Please pre-register.[Back to the news index]