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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Winners of 2019 Amdocs Best Project Contest
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Winners of 2019 Amdocs Best Project ContestThe final stage of the 2019 Best Project Contest took place on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 when the finalist teams presented and talked about their projects on a festive and colorful event held at the packed with audience lobby of CS Taub Building, and the winning projects, elected by a judicial team, are:

DNA Reconstruction by Matilda Lidgi & Omer Sabary, advised by Prof. Eitan Yaakobi
Emoji Based Sentiment by Amit Gantz and Itai Yeshurun, advised by Dror Simon and Prof. Shaul Markovich
Formula by Amir Biran, Tom Hirshberg and Dean Zadok, advised by Dr. Kira Radinsky (eBay, CS Technion) Dr. Ashish Kapoor (Microsoft Research), Aram Movsisian (CIS and ISL, CS,Technion) and Boaz Sternfeld (CGGC, CS,Technion)
Face Based Identification by Yoni Keren, advised by Yotam Eshel

Congratulations to the winners and well done to all participants!

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