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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female Students
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
DELL-EMC and Intel Scholarship for Excellent Female StudentsCS congratulates CS and EE Outstanding Students Ron Yitzhak, Rana Kh'il and Dganit Hanania-Buchris, for winning the Dell-EMC Scholarship, and Hila Scheffler and Michel Goldin for winning the Intel Scholarship for Outstanding Female Students.

"I'm used to being the only woman in the room since I was in high school, in physics and computers", said Karin Ivesetz-Segal, head Intel development centers, at the certificate award ceremony held in April 2nd, "It's important for us to ensure diversity in recruitment, but it's just as important to create a work environment that enables Diversity to exist in everyday life."

Well done to all the excellent students!

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