The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

On Thursday, June 2
7, 201
9, the Computer Science Department
celebrated the graduation of
students. Dean, Prof.
Dan Geiger, Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies, Prof.
Shaul Markovitch spoke in the presence of
as many as thousand
(!) guests
friends and family members
who fully packed the
colorful illuminated Churchill Hall Plaza. Daniela Bar Lev spoke on behalf of
the graduates and a musical moment was conducted by Noam Dayan Trio whom Shaul
Markovitch joined with his electric guitar, and clips on prepared by the
graduates and directed by Or Troyaner amused the audience.
This year,
51 graduated cum laude
and received the Dean Excellency Designation and
11 graduated summa cum laude and
received the President Excellency Designation. The atmosphere at the Churchill
Plaza, where the ceremony was held
for the second time, was extraordinarily festive: all the
graduates were dressed with blue and gold outfits and received a memento of two-sided
medal with the Technion sign on one side and a relief of CS Taub Building image
one the other and the other.
Congratulations to all CS 2018-19 Graduates!
Pictures from the event.
Diploma granting ceremony.
Video.[Back to the news index]