The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

The traditional CS
contest was held for the 14th time in a row on Friday, June
28, 2019, sponsored by Google
and Microsoft.
A record number of 27
received 10 different problems taken from different
areas in mathematics and computer science and wrote solutions
as follows:
External teams (already competed in previous years):
- Team "Rubber Duck Forces" (7 problems): Artem Shtefan, Dean Leitersdorf, Vova
- Team "Whatever" (6 problems): Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Rami Masalha
Internal teams:
1st place - 5 problems (well done!): Team "SleightOfHand": Michael Zaloziecki,
Rui Jiang, Ron Hirsch
2nd place - 3 problems: Team "Alpha-Mu-Alpha (Yuvi and the cuties): Antonio Abu
Nassar, Yonathan Akkerman, Yuval Milo
3rd place - 3 problems: Team "Guardians of the Min-Cut": Dafna Regev, Ron
Yitzhak, Shahar Romem Peled
4th place - 3 problems: Team "Tarimoo 10": Dana Goghberg, Moran Hait, Yael
5th place - 3 problems" Team "DAG": Anny Firer, Daniela Dagan, Gloria Groysman
The students are all graduates of the Competitive Programming workshop, directed
by Nofar Carmeli (TAIC) and Gil Ben-Shachar,
who also
organized the contest
, supervised by
Prof. Gill Barequet. The winning team will represent the faculty and the Technion in the prestigious programming contest
ACM/ICPC, to be held in Paris in November 2019.
Thanks to all participants and organizers, to Google
Microsoft for the support,
congratulations to the winning teams and good luck in Paris!
Pictures from the event.
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