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Technion: Technological Developments Ignite Similarities in Autonomous Systems
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Technion: Technological Developments Ignite Similarities in Autonomous SystemsAnashim U-Machshevim
September 12, 3019

Self-driving cars, swarms of automated delivery levers, and robots winning the "Man vs. Machine" game are no longer a Hollywood movie scene, but a reality thatReality that is happening in the minds of technologists at the Technion ... The Taub Auditorium at the Technion's Faculty of Computer Science brought together the best experts in artificial intelligence and machine learning on Wednesday at the TCE 2019 annual conference on autonomous systems - in the air, sea and land. The "Futures Conference", which shed light on the many challenges facing technology developers in the field, was led by Prof. Alex Bronstein of the Faculty of Computer Science and Prof. Guy Gilboa of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Haifa Academic Institute.

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