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I'd like to see a university like yours in Armenia
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
IThe Technion
January 28, 2020

Armenia's President arrived in Israel, at the invitation of State President Reuben Rivlin, in honor of the International Holocaust Forum to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. During his visit to the Technion, he was accompanied by the President of the Foreign Ministry, headed by Israel's Ambassador to Armenia Eli Lutzserovsky. ... "Artificial intelligence will change our lives in every aspect - genomics, health, industry, politics, employment, etc. We must always remember the basic human values ​​that are really important: love, respect and honesty. If we lose them we will remain with artificial intelligence Natural intelligence, and our lives will be hell."

In addition, the Armenian President met with Technion students and workers [and with Aram Movsisian, the CIS and ISL Engineer of the Computer Science Center and Laboratory for Intelligent Systems (CIS and ISL), born in Armenia, who also initiated the meeting with the Technion employees] who came from Armenia, who received him with great excitement.

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