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What are the Chances of your having a Corona? The Health Ministry Wants You to Answer a Short Questionnaire a Day
Sunday, March 29, 2020
What are the Chances of your having a Corona? The Health Ministry Wants You to Answer a Short Questionnaire a DayThe project was born as a questionnaire developed by three professors from the Weitzman Institute of Science - Eran Segal, Yuval Dor and Benny Geiger, and in collaboration with Prof. Ran Blitzer, from Clalit Hospital. The app for the Ministry of Health was developed by the Israeli start-up, Diagnostic Robotics, founded by Prof. Moshe Shoham (founder of Mazor Robotics), Dr. Kira Radinsky [Technion CS graduate and faculty] and Jonathan Amir [Technion CS graduate]. Routinely, the Diagnostic Robotics software allows clinicians to reduce emergency room load by analyzing questionnaires and rating the severity of the problem.

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