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First Place to Idan Schwartz in Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 Contest
Sunday, July 5, 2020
First Place to Idan Schwartz in Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 Contest
Congratulations to CS Ph.D. student Idan Schwartz who won first place in the Visual Dialog Challenge 2020 competition along with his advisors Prof. Tamir Hazan of the Technion and Professor Alexander Schwing of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The competition was held at the CVPR2020 conference, which required teams from leading universities in the US and Asia as well as industry research groups (Facebook, Microsoft) to create a bot which is capable of meaningful dialogue with human, on visual content, in a natural language, and the winning model (out of 330 submitted!) was based on the Idan's research which deals with an attention mechanism.

Well done to Idan![Back to the news index]