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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Council for Higher Education Scholarship to Aviv Rosenberg
Monday, September 21, 2020
Congratulations to Aviv Rosenberg, CS PhD student, on winning the Council for Higher Education Scholarship for his research - under the supervision of Prof. Alex Bronstein, Computer Science and Prof. Yael Yaniv, Biomedical Engineering - which characterizes the momentary changes that occur at any time and that with tools of signal processing, dynamic systems analysis and mathematical modeling, the research group discovered the dynamic properties of the relative contribution of the nervous system and pacemaker cells to these teeth, for example, that the characteristic contribution of pacemaker to momentary heart rate can be identified, which may allow early detection and means Non-invasive of certain diseases affecting the heart, and impart a better understanding of how the heart's own control mechanism works.

Well done Aviv![Back to the news index]