The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements
Thursday, October 15, 2020
On Thursday,
October 15, 20
20, the Computer Science Department
in a virtual broadcast on
YouTube the graduation of
students. Technion President, Prof. Uri Sivan, Dean of Technion Undergraduate
Studies Prof. Hossam Haick and CS Dean, Prof.
Dan Geiger
congratulated the graduates and Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies,
Benny Kimelfeld, together with actor and comedian Idan
Alterman, conducted the event with a humorous tone and lot's of punches,
including a piano interlude by Alterman.
This year, 49 graduated cum laude and received the Dean Excellency
Designation and 13 graduated summa cum laude and received the President
Excellency Designation in a ceremony that was festive and exciting despite the
virtual transfer.
Congratulations to all CS 201
20 Graduates!
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