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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2020
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2020The Faculty of Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 42 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, online by Zoom, in which degrees were awarded to graduates of computer science. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Amir Cohen, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony from far, and also watched a video in "Pardon me for the Question" style on the unique CS Graduate Studies experience.

Congratulations to Izhak Golan, Gal Milman and Yoav Zuriel who graduated summa-cum-laude and to Rachel-Nirit Berman, Amir Chen and Moshe Lichtenstein who graduated cum-laude, and to all Magister of Science graduates:

Mohammad  Agbarya
Shunit Agmon
Michal Badian
Matthias Bonne
David Cohen
Thomas Dages
Niv Derech
Dor Harris
Dvir Dukhan
Yotam Eshel
Yair Feldman
Zuphit Fidelman
Guy Gilad
Ido Hakimi
Rojeh Hayek
Idan Hasson
Aviram Magen
Matan Pelde
Yaniv Nemcovsky
Gal Novich
Dor Ringel
Uri Shomroni
Eylon-Avraham Shoshan
Alon Shtaierman
Uzi Smadja
Muhammed Tibi
Yochay Tzur
Nitzan Zamir
Yoav Zuriel

Congratulations also to Magister Graduates:
Tomer Golany
John Noonan
Guy Rosin
Rana Shahout
Dror Simon
Lev Yohananov

Good luck to all our Graduates![Back to the news index]