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CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence:
Sunday, January 24, 2021
CS Winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarships and Certificates of Excellence:CS congratulates its students - winners of Jacobs-Gutwirth scholarships and certificates of excellence:

Ph.D. student Gali Sheffi, supervised by Prof. Erez Paternak, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship for her research in improving efficiency and ensuring the correctness of parallel algorithms

Ph.D. student Ariel Kulik, supervised by Prof. Hadas Shachnai, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Scholarship for his research in parameterized approximation algorithms and polynomial time approximation algorithms for resource allocation problems.

Ph.D. student Uriel Singer, supervised by Prof. Kira Radinsky, winner of the Jacobs-Gutwirth Certificate of Excellence for his research in the worlds of deep learning on time-changing graphs for the purpose of learning smart and egalitarian representation with full transparency.

M.Sc. student Dean Leitersdorf supervised by Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel, winner of the Jacobs-Gottwirth Certificate of Excellence for his research in distributed algorithms for multiplying sparse matrices, and their use in solving graph problems.

Congratulations to all and good luck with your research!

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