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CS Prof. Mirella (Miri) Ben-Chen is One of over 40 Technion Graduates Family
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
February 2. 2021

On the occasion of Family Day starting today (Tu Bishvat), the Technion alumni organization announced the competition to search for the "Technion Family". Families of Technion graduates who have more than ten graduates at the academic institution in Haifa were invited to the competition. The first place was won by the Buchnik-Buchnik tribe, one family (with several names), which currently numbers more than 40 Technion graduates, including two professors, three doctors, three start-up companies and eight married couples who worked at the Technion ... at least eight married couples The family met at the Technion: Prof. Mirella (Miri) Ben-Chen, a graduate of the Taub Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion and currently a faculty member at the faculty, met her husband Tomer Ben-Chen, now an engineer at Qualcomm.

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