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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Winners of Excellence Prizes and Scholarships
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
CS congratulates its students:

Ph.D. students, winners of the The Shimon Even ז"ל Award  for Excellence Publications (through the Friends of the Technion Association):

Ariel Kulik, under the supervision of Prof. Hadas Shachnai, for his paper: Submodular Maximization with Assignment Constraints and Parameterized. Approximations..

ri Roth, under the supervision of Prof. Yossi Gil, for his paper: A systematic Study of Language Expressive Power of Type System.

Winners of Faculty Excellence Scholarship for academic achievement and for publishing an article in a competitive conference or a recognized newspaper during the previous year:

Ph.D. students: Uri Alon, Alona Golts, Shoval Lagziel, Rotem Liss and Avi Mizrahi, Gal Yehuda and Lev Yohananov.
M.Sc. students Nir Diamant, Ohad Goudsmid and Dmitry Kuznichov.

Congratulations and success in research!

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