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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2021

The Faculty of Computer Science celebrated the graduation of 51 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 14, 2021, in a live event for the first time since summer 2019. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Inbar Kaslasi, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony from far, and also watched a video in "Pardon me for the Question" style on the unique CS Graduate Studies experience.

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates Summa Cum Laude:

Ohad Barta Titled: On Succinct Arguments and Witness Encryption from Groups Advised by: Yuval Ishai
Inbar Kaslasi Titled: Batch Verification for Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs Advised by: Ron Rothblum
Aviv Nachman Titled: Managing Capacity in Deduplicated Storage Systems Advised by: Gala Yadgar
Volodymyr Polosukhin Titled: Distributed Computations with Global Edges of Limited Bandwidth Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates Cum Laude:

Roi Bar Zur Titled: Finding Optimal Strategies in Blockchain Protocols with Reinforcement Learning Advised by: Eyal Ittay,
Aviv Tomer
Alon Reshef Titled: Computing the Shapley Value of Tuples in Conjunctive Queries with Negation Advised by: Benny Kimelfeld
Sanketh Vedula Sai Titled: Learning-Based Design of Ultrasound Imaging Systems Advised by: Alexander Bronstein
Michael Zibulevsky
Ran Yeheskel Titled: Graph Balancing with Orientation Costs Advised by: Roy Schwartz

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates:

Amram Abutbul Titled: Deep Neural Network Architecture for Tabular Data Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv
Yamit Barshatz Schneor Titled Accelerating Big-Data Sorting Through Programmable Switches Advised by: Roy Friedman
Nadav Bhonker Titled:  Neural Models for Personalized Jazz Improvisations Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv
Dov Bridger Titled: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Eroded Boundaries using GAN Inpainting Advised by: Ayelet Tal
Yuval Efron Titled: New Advances in Distributed Optimization and Distance Computation Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel
Roi Gabay Titled:  Synthesis with Granular Interactive Model Advised by: Shachar Itzhaky
Tomer Ghelber Titled: Worst Case Resource Analysis in Program Synthesis Advised by: Shachar Itzhaky
Shunit Haviv Hakimi Titled: Deep Neural Models for Jazz Improvisations Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv
Sea Hadar Titled: ncremental Computation of Spreadsheet Formulas Advised by: Shachar Itzhaky
Yinon Horesh Titled: Arithmetization for Probabilistically Checkable and Interactive Oracle Proofs Advised by: Eli Ben-Sasson,
Yuval Ishai
Dor Hovav Titled: Limited Associativity Caching in the Data Plane Advised by: Roy Friedman
Or Isaacs Titled: Boundaries and Region Representation Fusion Advised by: Michael Lindenbaum
Rajae Khatib Titled: Learned Greedy Method (LGM): A Novel Neural Architecture for Sparse Coding and Beyond Advised by: Michael Elad
Guy Kushilevitz Titled: Pattern And Distributional Based Hybrid Methods For Semantic Extraction Tasks Advised by: Shaul Markovitch,
Yoav Goldberg
Dor David Ma’ayan Titled: Better Prediction of Mutation Score Advised by: Yossi Gil
Gary Mataev Titled: Deep Image Prior Powered by RED Advised by: Michael Elad
Najeeb Nabwani Titled: Learning by Sampling: A Deep Learning Approach to the Planted Clique Problem With Unlimited Sampling Advised by: Assaf Schuster
Mohammad Nassar Titled: Array Codes for Functional PIR and Batch Codes Advised by: Eitan Yaakobi
Lior Neumann Titled: Security Analysis of the Bluetooth Pairing Protocol Advised by: Eli Biham
Saar Raz Titled Real-Time Simulation of Viscous Thin-Films Advised by: Mirela Ben-Chen
Yair Reani Titled Functional Tracing of Discrete Vector Fields Advised by: Mirela Ben-Chen
Yuval Ron Titled: On the Security of Voice Assistants on Lock Screens Advised by: Eli Biham,
Amichai Shulman
Yehonatan Rubin Titled: Quantifying the Impact of Latency on High Frequency Trading Advised by: Danny Raz
Lior Samuel Titled: Domsaĝo a Spoken Programming Language as a Step Towards Personal Assistant Programming Advised by: Yossi Gil
Omer Sabary Titled: Reconstruction Algorithms for DNA-based Storage Systems Advised by: Eitan Yaakobi
Qasem Sayah Titled: Hardware Schemes for Routing HTTP Connections and Protecting Against SYN Attacks Advised by: Reuven Cohen
Yaakov Sokolik Titled: Age-aware Fairness in Blockchain Transaction Ordering Advised by: Ori Rottenstriech
Elias Turner Titled: Charting and Navigating the Space of Solutions for Recurrent Neural Networks Advised by: Omri Barak
Shai Zeevi Titled: Answering (Unions of) Join Queries using Random Access and Random-Order Enumeration Advised by: Benny Kimelfeld

Congratulations to Magister graduate:

Maria Abu Sini Titled Reconstruction of Sequences Advised by: Eitan Yaakobi
Johan Chrisnata Titled: DNA Storage and de Bruijn Sequences Advised by: Tuvi Etzion,
Han Mao Kiah
Shir Cohen Titled: Distributed Services Under Attack Advised by: Idit Keidar
Roee Francos Titled: Topics in Multi-A(ge)nt Teamwork Advised by: Alfred M. Bruckstein
Niv Giladi Titled: Enabling Scalable Learning with Large Models Advised by: Daniel Soudry
Idan Mehalel Titled: Distributed learning of halfspaces Advised by: Yuval Filmus,
Shai Moran
David Naori Titled: Online Multidimensional Resource Allocation Advised by: Danny Raz
Stav Perle Titled: Mathematical Techniques for Cryptanalysis Advised by: Eli Biham
Eytan Boaz Singher Titled: Theory Exploration for Problem Decomposition Advised by: Shachar Itzhaky
Uriel Singer Titled: Temporal Graphs: Embedding with Fairness and with Full Transparency Advised by: Kira Radinsky
Hadar Sivan Titled: Sensitivity Analysis for Machine Learning Advised by: Schuster Assaf,
Moshe Gabel
Gal Yehuda Titled: Monitoring Properties of Distributed Streams Advised by: Schuster Assaf,
Danny Keren

Congratulations to Magister of Science graduate:

Yonatan Elul Titled: Applied Artificial Intelligence for Medicine - A Deep Learning Framework for Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia Advised by: Alexander Bronstein,
Yael Yaniv,
Assaf Schuster

Congratulations and best of luck to all our graduates!

Pictures from the event

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