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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Programming Competition 2021
Thursday, July 8, 2021
CS Programming Competition 2021The traditional CS programming competition was held for the 16th time in a row on Friday, July 2, 2021, sponsored by Google and Microsoft.

Nineteen teams received 12 different problems taken from different areas in mathematics and computer science and wrote solutions as follows:

Internal teams:
1st place (10 problems) - Team "No Names": Gonen Gazit, Orian Leitersdorf, Amani Shhadi
2nd place (5 problems) - Team "CAO": Orel Yaish, Chen Peretz, Almog Zur
3rd place (5 problems) - Team "covfefe": Illay Hai, Yaakov Sherma, Tal Manheim
4th place (5 problems) - Team "ford focus": Niv Shitrit, Ofir Yaniv, Hamodi Saif
5th place (5 problems) - Team "S10ppyJoes": Jonathan Josef, Yonatan Sommer, Daniel Kuzin

The students are all graduates of the Competitive Programming workshp, directed by Gil Ben-Shachar (TAIC), Stav Perle and Tomer Cohen who also organized the contest, supervised by Prof. Gill Barequet. The winning team will represent the faculty and the Technion in the prestigious international ICPC/SWERC programming competition, which will be held in Paris at the end of 2021.

Thanks to all participants and organizers, to Google and Microsoft for the support, congratulations to the winning teams and good luck in Paris!

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