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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2021
Sunday, November 7, 2021
CS Excellent Teaching in Spring Semester 2021CS congratulates its Excellent Teachers n Spring Semester 2021:

Special Distinction in Teaching:
Prof. Erez Petrank in the course Data Structures 1
Prof. Ron Rothblum in the course Cryptology

Citation in Teaching:
Prof. Michael Elad in the course Numerical Algorithms
Prof. Nir Rosenfeld in the course Introduction to Machine Learning
Dr. Tal Mizrahi in the course Introduction to Computer Networks
Dr. Gabi Nakiblyi n the course Network Security
Dr. Sarai Sheinvald in the course Introduction to set theory and automata for CS

Congratulations to all! [Back to the news index]