The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The CS Department held its
tenth Research Day on
15, 20
which exhibited 17 of the finest researches carried out by our excellent M.Sc. and
Ph.D. students before multitude of guests from the Technion and the industry.
The festive event lasted more
more than 3 hours during which the
presenters repeatedly demonstrated their research to highly intrigued audience
and both visitors and young researchers were greatly enthusiastic
and an official judging committee ranked the poster
the 3 first winners will be awarded a prize of NIS 1,500 each and will represent
CS at the Technion Research Day to be held in January 2022, and the second and
third place winners will be awarded a prize of NIS 750 each.
First place posters:
Poster no.
Guy Ohayon and Theo Adrai (MSC students dvised by Prof.
Michael Elad)
High Perceptual Quality Image Denoising with a Posterior Sampling CGAN
Poster no.
14: David
Vainshtein (MSC student advised by Prof. Oren Salzman) -
Multi-Agent Terraforming: Efficient Multi-Agent Path Finding via Environment
Second place posters:
Poster no.
Niv Giladi
(PHD student advised by Prof. Daniel Soudry
) -
Physics-Aware Downsampling with Deep Learning for Scalable Flood Modeling
Poster no.
11: Michal Edelstein (PHD student advised by Prof. Mirela Ben-Chen) -
PH-CPF: Planar Hexagonal Meshing Using Coordinate Power Fields
Third place poster:
Poster no.
4: Ben Galili: (PHD student advised by Prof. Zohar Yakhini) -
The Stability of Log-rank Test under Labeling Errors
participating posters in
2021 CS Research Day (by research interests)
Thanks to all the participants and congratulation to the winners!
Pictures from the event.[Back to the news index]