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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Untimely Passing of Israel Gutter
Sunday, December 26, 2021
We regret to announce the untimely passing of our dear friend, Israel Gutter.

Israel Gutter has been an acclaimed teacher at the Faculty of Computer Sciences for over 16 years. He taught the fundamental courses offered in the faculty, demonstrating extraordinary teaching skills, dedication to his students, meticulous style, and a deep sense of commitment.

The Faculty of Computer Sciences was a second home to Israel, who taught basic courses to large groups of students. He dedicated hours of his time to forming and organizing the teaching staff, without losing sight of the needs of the individual student, offering one-on-one assistance whenever needed.

Israel graduated from the Faculty of Computer Sciences with honors, completing his BSc as part of an academic program in conjunction with the IDF. He completed his MSc under the supervision of Prof. Uzi Ornan.

He completed a second BSc degree in Education in Science and Technology, subjects with highest honors.

Israel was a seven-time winner of a prize awarded to excellent teachers. He also won the distinguished Technion prize for ongoing excellence. He combined his exceptional teaching skills with his deep sense of social responsibility when teaching classes in Bnei Brak as part of the program offered for ultra-orthodox students.

His great love of teaching exceeded local boundaries, as Israel Gutter found his next challenge teaching students at the Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) in China, where he recently passed away.

Israel was a unique person and a visionary. He wrote poetry and was a long-standing member of the Technion choir. We deeply mourn his death.

May he rest in peace. [Back to the news index]