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Best Paper Award to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman in TCE-MLIS Conference
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Best Paper Award to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman in TCE-MLIS ConferenceCongratulations to Bahjat Kawar and Gregory Vaksman, Ph.D. students, supervised by Prof. Michael Elad, on winning the Best Paper Award at the TCE-MLIS conference held on February 23, 2022, for their paper: "SNIPS: Solving Noisy Inverse Problems Stochastically" which deals with solving image processing problems, Such as: noise reduction, image sharpening, increasing image resolution and more. The article proposes to solve the problems stochastically by sampling from a posterior distribution that is done using the language of Langwin's dynamics.

Well done Bahjat and Gregory![Back to the news index]