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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

ERC Consolidator Grant to Eitan Yaakobi
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Eitan Yaakobi on winning the prestigious ERC Consolidator grant. The European Research Council (ERC) is designed to encourage excellence in science and to support researchers who come up with pioneering and groundbreaking ideas in the research team's and work plan formation stages. The scope of each grant is about 2 million euros.

Prof. Yaakobi receives the grant for his research in the field of DNA Storage. DNA storage is an innovative approach that is expected to revolutionize information storage while dramatically reducing storage volume, storing information for the very long term and significantly reducing energy and economic costs. The technology developed by Yaakobi is expected to accelerate the achievement of this important technological goal.

Eitan Yaakobi is one of 19 researchers in the faculty who won the prestigious ERC grant - an unprecedented record in the cumulative number of wins and great pride for the Technion and the faculty.

Well done Ethan![Back to the news index]