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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

Winners of the 2022 Project Competition
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Winners of the 2022 Project CompetitionThe final stage of the computer science project competition, courtesy of Amdocs, was held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at the Taub Lobby, where the CS laboratories presented the best projects performed in the past year, with the participation of exhibitors, Amdocs representative Eyal Felstaine, CS graduate and Amdocs CTO who joined the jury teams, and a large audience who were impressed by the posters and scholarly explanations.

The winning projects:

Automatic Tennis Gameplay Analyzer
Aviv Caspi
Geometric Image Processing Laboratory  - GIP
Supervised by Alon Zvirin and Yaron Honen

Clustering Algorithm for DNA Stutter Synthesis
Omer Yerushalmi and Nadav Falicovich
Project in Software (236504)
Supervised by Dvir Ben-Shabat, Gadi Chaykin, Avital Boruchovsky and Prof. Eitan Yaakobi

Solving Geometry Problems using a Combination of Symbolic and Numerical Methods
Shira Nachum and Inbal Hadad
Project in CS Advanced Programming 1
Prof. Shachar Itzhaky

Shielding Against Evil Maid Attacks - Protect Your Unattended Device from Unwanted Physical Attacks - Windows 10 Editions
Elad Cohen and Keshet Meir
Project in Information Security (236349)
Supervised by Yuval Ron and Prof. Eli Biham

Congratulations to the winners and Well done to all the participants!

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