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The Taub Faculty of Computer Science News and Announcements

CS-Hackathon 2022 - Doing Good
Sunday, May 29, 2022
CS-Hackathon 2022 - Doing GoodCS held the 2022 Hackaton Doing Good on Thursday-Friday, May 19-20, 2022.

The event was attended by 130 students, supported by associations, engineers and technologists from the industry and from CS who gathered to help develop applications and technological solutions for the benefit of people with disabilities, to assist and improve the quality of life of at least 17 percent of Israel's population, as well as a judging panel that included executives from among the sponsors of the event - Intel, Elbit, Mobileye, SeetGeek, Pikoya, Rafael and Via, headed by Aharon Aharon, former CEO of the Innovation Authority. (more details on winners and projects in the Hebrew page).

Congratulation to all the winners, thanks to all who helped to bring on the event and to the sponsors, and see you in Hackathon 2023!

Pictures from the event.[Back to the news index]