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CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
CS Magister Graduation Ceremony, 2022CS celebrated the graduation of 64 Magister Students in a ceremony which was held on Monday, June 20, 2022. CS Dean, Prof. Dan Geiger, tVice Dean for Graduate Studies, Prof. Prof. Gil Barequet, and the alumni representative Dan Kalifa, spoke to the graduates and their families who participated in the ceremony and a band of undergraduate and graduate students entertained the audience in an exciting show.

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates Summa Cum Laude:

Guy Barshatski Titled: Deep Generative Models for Molecular Optimization Advised by: Kira Radinsky
Omer Dahary Titled: Digital Gimbal: End-to-End Deep Image Stabilization with Learnable Exposure Times Advised by: Alexander Bronstein
Sagi Levanon Titled: Generalized Strategic Classification and the Case of Aligned Incentives Advised by: Nir Rosenfeld
Noa Marelly Titled: Fault Tolerant Max-Cut Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel,
Roy Schwartz
Nitzan Tur Titled: The Metric Relaxation for 0-Extension Admits an Omega(log²⸍³k) Gap Advised by: Roy Schwartz

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates Cum Laude:

Dimion Asael Titled: A Generative Approach for Mitigating Structural Biases in Natural Language Inference Advised by: Yonatan Belinkov
Liron Bronfman Titled: PCPs and Cryptography: New Limitations and Opportunities Advised by: Ron Rothblum
Ohad Goudsmid Titled: Compositional Model-Checking of Multi-Properties Advised by: Orna Grumberg
Sarai  Sheinvald
Dan Kalifa Titled: Leveraging World Events to Predict E-Commerce Consumer Demand under Anomaly Advised by: Kira Radinsky
Moshe Sebag Titled: The Shapley Value of Tuples in Query Answering Advised by: Benny Kimelfeld
Evgenii Zheltonozhskii Titled: Reducing Supervision in Visual Recognition Tasks Advised by: Avi Mendelson,
Alexander Bronstein,
Chaim Baskin

Congratulations to Magister of Science in Computer Science graduates:

Adar Amir Titled: DLACEP: A Deep-Learning Based Framework for Approximate Complex Event Processing Advised by: Assaf Schuster,
Ilya Kolchinsky
Or Avnat Titled: On the Recursive Structure of Multigrid Cycles Advised by: Irad Yavneh
Natan Bagrov Titled: Ranking and Trading Execution of Mean-Reverting Portfolios Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv
Dolev Michael Elbaz Titled: Complex Pattern Forecasting on Multivaruate Time-Series Advised by: Assaf Schuster,
Ilya Kolchinsky
Shay Ben Assayag Titled: Train on Small ,Play the Large: Scaling Up Board Games with AlphaZero and GNN Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv
Aviv Ben-David Titled: Investigating the Difference between Emulated and Paravirtual Network I/O: The Strange, Untold Story Advised by: Dan Tsafrir
Lior Ben Yamin Titled: Maximizing Throughput in Flow Shop Real-Time Scheduling Advised by: Hadas Shachnai
Gal Benmocha Titled: New Techniques for Symmetric Cryptanalysis Advised by: Eli Biham
Koral Chapnik Titled: DALRING: Data-Aware Load Shedding in Complex Event Processing Systems Advised by: Assaf Schuster,
Ilya Kolchinsky
Haviv Cohen Titled: Advanced UXSS Analysis Advised by: Roy Friedman,
Nethanel Gelernter
Lior Cohen Titled: Reinforcement Learning Based Flow Control for Real-Time Video over Cellular Channels Advised by: Nahum Shimkin,
Shie Mannor
Neta Dafni Titled: Complexity Measures on the Symmetric Group and Beyond Advised by: Yuval Filmus
Saar Eliad Titled:  Scalable Distributed Deep Learning with Model Parallelism Advised by: Assaf Schuster
Nadav Elias Titled:  Keywords Search in Deduplicated Storage Systems Advised by: Gala Yadgar
Michael Ezra Titled:  Small Circuits Imply Efficient Arthur- Merlin Protocols Advised by: Ron Rothblum
Or Goaz Titled: Clustering in the Network Data Plane Advised by: Roy Friedman,
Ori Rottenstreich
Ofir Gordon Titled: Toward Understanding the Hardness of Multi-Agent Path Finding Advised by: Oren Salzman
Ido Imanuel Titled: Neural Algorithms for Precise Shape Completion Advised by: Ron Kimmel
Majd Khalil Titled: The Complexity of the Shapley Value for Path Queries over Graphs Advised by: Benny Kimelfeld
Eitan Kosman Titled: Complex Pattern Mining Advised by: Assaf Schuster,
Ilya Kolchinsky
Ayelet Kravi Titled: Correlation Clustering With Overlaps Advised by: Roy Schwartz,
Seffi Naor
Michael Leybovich Titled: ML Based Lineage in Databases Advised by: Oded Shmueli
Entony Lekhtman Titled: Domain Adaptation on Structured Output Task Advised by: Roi Reichart,
Iftah Ziser
Bar Magal Titled: Enumerating Reduced Polyominoes with Fixed Perimeter Defect Advised by: Gill Barequet
Igor Margulis Titled: On Anomaly Detection in Tabular Data Advised by: Ran El-Yaniv'
Yuval Filmus
Ramy Masalha Titled: Heterogeneous Parametric Trivariate Fillets Advised by: Gershon Elber
Assaf Mauda Titled: Poisson Denoising of Images using Deep Neural Networks Inspired by Classical Dictionary based Algorithms Advised by: Michael Elad
Eyal Mizrachi Titled: Submodular Maximization with Mixed Packing and Covering Constraints Advised by: Roy Schwartz
Michael Mendelson Titled: How Debiasing Affects Internal Representations in Natural Language Understanding Models Advised by: Yonatan Belinkov
Gal Peretz Titled: What If: Generating Code to Answer Simulation Questions Advised by: Kira Radinsky
Shahar Romem Peled Titled:  Batched Vertex Cover Reconfiguration Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel
Gal Sade Titled: On-the-Fly Model Checking with Guided Abstraction Advised by: Orna Grumberg
Yotam Sharoni Titled: Approximation Algorithm for Requirement Cut Advised by: Roy Schwartz
Tal Shinkar Titled: Clustering-Correcting Codes for DNA-based Storage Systems Advised by: Eitan Yaakobi
Ori Sztyglic Titled: Online Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Planning via Simplification Advised by: Vadim Indelman
Maria Tunik Schmidt Titled: From Image Completion with Untrained Learning Towards Matrix Completion with Geometric Learning Advised by: Alexander Bronstein
Maor Yankovich Titled: Hypersonic: A Hybrid Parallelization Approach for Scalable Complex Event Processing Advised by: Assaf Schuster
Noam Yefet Titled: Adversarial Examples for Models of Code and Defending Against Them Advised by: Eran Yahav
Asaf Yeshurun Titled: Extracting Bible Quotes from Historical Commentary Advised by: Benny Kimelfeld

Congratulations to Magister graduate:

Daniella Bar-Lev Titled: The Deletion/Insertion Channel and its Applications to Coding for DNA Storage Advised by: Tuvi Etzion
Shaked Brody Titled: Representations of Code Changes in Machine Learning for Programming Language Processing Advised by: Eran Yahav
Amit Bracha Titled: Matching, classification, and reconstruction of shapes in R3 Advised by: Ron Kimmel
Dor Katzelnick Titled: Approximation Algorithms for Graph Clustering Advised by: Roy Schwartz
Bahjat Kawar Titled: angevin Dynamics in Lmage Restoration Advised by: Michael Elad
Victor Kolobov Titled: Homomorphic Secret Sharing and Information Theoretic Cryptography Advised by: Yuval Ishai
Tomer Lange Titled:  Algorithms for SSD Management Advised by: Gala Yadgar.
Seffi Naor
Dean Leitersdorf Titled: Fast Distributed Algorithms Via Sparsity Awareness Advised by: Keren Censor-Hillel
Sagi Marcovich Titled: Substrings Constraints and Reconstruction of Sequences Advised by: Eitan Yaakobi
Avraham Mizrahi Titled: Coding Schemes for Blockchain Systems Advised by: Ori Rottenstreich
Ori Roth Titled: Towards an Ontology of Ties between Type Theory, Complexity, and Computability Advised by: Yossi Gil
Tomer Weiss Titled: Deep Learning Approaches in Inverse Problems and Their Applications Advised by: Alexander Bronstein
Konstantin Zabarnyi Titled: Constrained Bayesian Persuasion Advised by: Inbal Talgam-Cohen

Congratulations and best of luck to all our graduates!

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